Friday, September 28, 2012


I know you would want to skip this because you don't understand English, or hate long topics, just want to get the stuff then leave the page but You must read this

This is going to be very helpful. . . . Read this

One lacking attribute in our today's world of pianist,
that is the inability to show others that which they know, pianists of today struggle with themselves to learn new tricks, all by themselves they practice and rehearse new drills without any form of aid, we find out today that many of us are self taught (including myself), many of us had no one to assist us while we were upcoming and even the good pianists that were around us never sought for a way to teach us what they knew, even our local churches might jUST have contributed a little amount, to them its just play for *us and go home* God bless you, or *You are only allowed to use the instruments on Sundays and Rehearsals* and they cared less about how you improve.

Infact not really sure they figured out that you've improved or there is a change in the way you play, this has affected us a lot,  most of us call ourselves ministry musicians when we lack the indispensable gift of sharing and giving, we have situations whereby whenever a newbie came around a professional pianists while he was playing a cool song you will be surprised to see that pianist play simple chords and sometimes even hide their scales with one finger for the fear that THIs othER guy might copy my trick and become better than I am.  Maybe they seek for justification in what they do: 
*** Nobody taught me so why should I teach anybody???
*** I paid a lot of money just to learn this, so why should I show you for free?
*** You might learn it and become better that I am so why should I show you
**** And so many other bla bla
But now at this point we have someone (POKEY) who have broken chordal barriers and has decided to show us that *little something* that might make our piano playing better, that something that would make us sound professional, that simple progression whatever it is a walk-down or walk-up, walk-below or beside that we can use in well know songs and make them sound better
He has decided to teach, give and to share a part of this God-given gift to us for free on this social media. .   
You might say that this FACEBOOK has for once benefited you in a very wholesome manner. .  Maybe we can turn it to our own pianoBOOK, he isn't the only one going to be breaking down piano knowledge you can as well share that small secret you discovered. .  I can as well, we all can as well do so, even in our local churches and homes . . . Don't miss October 9, 2012 it might just change you, your piano, and every thing associated with it

Also start sharing today.......
Andrew Miracle

To enjoy this free offer you have to like the facebook page. .  and comment the lesson order you will love to get


comment in the following manner

PHONE(with Int'l Code):

comment when you get yours and dont forget to like this page...... 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Corine Duke( Wife of Jazz Legend- George Duke) died of cancer on the 19th of July[which is last two weeks' Thursday]

George Duke is one pianist I love his harmony and I know that if it takes chords, runs and licks to save a dying soul, G.D

would have saved his wife. This is a great loss to him. He actually posted this online;

“First of all I would like to thank all of you for your sentiments during this time of great loss for my family! Having said that I hope you will understand when I say that Corine was not one who enjoyed the spotlight or pomp and circumstance. Therefore we will have a private immediate family only funeral service at Forest Lawn in North Hollywood on Tuesday July 24th 2:30pm at the Old North Church. You are certainly welcome to send flowers or any correspondence but I respectfully request that you not plan to attend in order to allow for my family to grieve in private. Personally I am OK though I can't stop weeping. I will come up for air eventually but please allow me time. The response to Corine's passing has been overwhelming and it is obvious that she was dearly loved by so many and for that I am proud and thankful. I love you all and will be my same old jolly self in the not too distant future - though I will NEVER forget this life altering moment and will never be the same again....George Duke”

Let's pray for God to grant him fortitude to bear the loss.

If you love George Duke, show it by posting your prayers like a comment.


Killer diseases caused by Air conditioners you should know - Expert

No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before. We wonder where this deadly killer disease comes from but here is an example that explains a lot of the cancer causing incidents.
A lot of people enter their cars first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, 7 days a week but bother not to know the dangers they expose themselves to each time the Air condition of their car is turned on immediately they enter.
Please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car and open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the AC after a couple of minutes.
Here's why:
According to a research, the dashboard emits Benzene, a cancer-causing toxin (carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car). In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anaemia and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukaemia, increasing the risk of cancer. Can also cause miscarriage.
Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene but If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 70 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.
People, whosoever gets into the car, keeping windows closed is inevitably inhaling, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.
Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver. What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic.
So friends, please open the windows and doors of your car and give time for the deadly interior air to clear out before you enter and start d car. What do u tink?



The tritone from our last article is an interval of a Diminished 5th or an Augmented 4th. What makes this interval unique is that it is embedded in Chords. The principle goal of this article is to X-ray such Chords.

The very first is the Dominant chord.

A basic dominant chord is the [common] Dominant 7th. Which can be formed from a major chord by lowering its root by a tone or wholestep.

E.g the "C" Dominant 7th is formed from the "C" major chord thus;

C + E + G then we'll lower the root Note which is "C" by a whole step or tone to have

C / Bb E G a full fledged Dom7th chord.
The first two notes on the right hand [which happens to be Bb + E] is a tritone [apart]

Meaning that when you play "C" on the left hand and Bb + E on the right, a Dominant7th is implied.

Which means that "Bb + E" is the tritone that correspond with "C" to form a CDom7th.

Having discovered the tritone in a Dom7th chord. Let's use them on the key of "C" to play the 6[la]-2[re]-5[sol]-1[do] progression.

C E G when voiced as Dom7 becomes Bb E G
A C# E when voiced as Dom7 becomes G C# E
D F# A when voiced as Dom7 becomes C F# A
G B D when voiced as Dom7 becomes F B D

Now, voicing only their corresponding tritone, we have a sleek progression:

C / Bb E [doh]
A / G C# [lah]
D / C F# [Reh]
G / F B [Sol]

We'll invert some of the tritones for voice leading purposes.

C / Bb E [doh]
A / G C# [lah]
D / F# C [Reh] (an inverted tritone)
G / F B [Sol]


C / Bb E [doh]
A / C# G [lah] (an inverted tritone)
D / C F# [Reh]
G / B F [Sol] (an inverted tritone)

Well, i'm sure you've noticed that the tritones are descending chromatically; that's its beauty.

Let's take another example "Oh Happy Day" on the key of "C". Which happens to be a 1-4 progression(between do and fa)

C E G becomes Bb E G (hope you remember?)
F A C becomes Eb A C (derived by lowering the root
note "F" by a tone)

Giving us two Dom7 tritones
* Bb E
* Eb A

Which are derived from the chords (Bb E G & Eb A C)

We'll invert one tritone for "voice leading" purposes. So we'll now have

*Bb E
*A Eb (inverted Tritone)

So let's put them on the song "Oh Happy Day" on the key of "C"

Oh happy Bb E
Day A Eb
*make sure the first tritone descends chromatically into the second one.

Now tell me, how does this sound?

Let's now discover the corresponding tritones for all the keys

C / Bb E G
D / C F# A
E / D G# B
F / Eb A C
G / F B D
A / G C# E

The first two notes of the right hand chords above are the corresponding tritones. Here they are;

C / Bb E
D / C F#
E / D G#
F / Eb A
G / F B
A / G C#

Well, I left the keys of Gb, Ab, Bb, Db, Eb & B out on purpose.

Gb / E Bb Db
Ab / F# C Eb
Bb / G# D F
B / A Eb F#
Db / B F Ab
Eb / C# G Bb

#forgive my enharmonic spelling(for music theorists). I did them to overcome spelling problems. Most pianists don't know where Fb or E# is on the keyboard.

Taking a closer look at the lists will reveal that C and Gb share the same corresponding tritone.

*C / Bb E (an inversion of Gb corresponding tritone)
*Gb / E Bb (an inversion of C corresponding tritone)

D and Ab also share the same corresponding tritone

*D / C F# (an inversion of Gb corresponding tritone)
*Ab/ F# C (an inversion of C corresponding tritone)

Why is this so?

Well, the answer is simple...

C and Gb(which is also F#) are a tritone apart themselves. That's why they share the same corresponding tritone. The same thing for D and Ab.

So reconciling the two charts, we have;

Gb or C / Bb E
Ab or D / C F#
Bb or E / D G#
B or F / Eb A
Db or G / F B
Eb or A / G C#

What i'm saying is this:
"Eb or A / G C#"
Means that Eb and A share the same corresponding tritone which is G C# or its inversion C# G

In conclusion, there are Six tritones only in music.(with due respect for enharmonic spellings( C Gb is same with C F#) and inversion (C Gb is same with Gb C)

Now that we've discovered the tritone as the essential ingredient of the Dominant7th chord, expect the next article-


Before I draw the curtain, I want to say that there are other chords that possess the tritone as an embedded interval.

* minor7b5
* Diminished7th
However, these two classes of chords are still analogous to dominant7ths. Here's what I mean:

Cmin7b5 / Ab = Ab Dom9
Cdim7 / Ab = Ab Dom7b9

Which means that they are upperstructure chords for the "supreme" dominant chord class.

This is not to say that these chords cannot be independent- i'm just staying withing the premises of Dominant Chords and Tritones.

Long Article right?


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