Saturday, October 13, 2012


Huge alien planet is 'made of diamonds', say scientists

Future generations of astronauts could come back wealthy men - Yale scientists have detected a huge 'super-Earth' made of diamonds.

Future generations of astronauts could come back wealthy men - Yale scientists have detected a huge 'super-Earth' made of diamonds.

The study estimates that at least a third of the planet’s mass - the equivalent of about three times the mass of Earth - could be diamond.

Earth weighs 5973600000000000000000000kg, and a kilo of reasonable quality diamonds currently fetches sums of $50 million and above.It orbits a sun-like star 40 light years from Earth, so any mineral prospectors would have quite a journey to stake their claim on its riches.
The planet is twice as wide as Earth, and has a mass eight times greater.

The planet is thought to be covered in graphite - the material found in the 'lead' of pencils - and diamonds.

“This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth,” said lead researcher Nikku Madhusudhan, a Yale postdoctoral researcher in physics and astronomy.

“The surface of this planet is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite.”

The planet -- called 55 Cancri e - is one of five planets orbiting a Sun-like star, 55 Cancri, that is located 40 light-years from Earth yet visible to the naked eye in the constellation of Cancer.

The planet orbits at hyper speed -- its year lasts just 18 hours, in contrast to Earth’s 365 days.

It is also blazingly hot, with a temperature of about 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers said, a far cry from a habitable world.

The planet was first observed transiting its star last year, allowing astronomers to measure its radius for the first time.

This new information, combined with the most recent estimate of its mass, allowed Madhusudhan and colleagues to infer its chemical composition using models of its interior.

The scientists computed all possible combinations of elements and compounds that would yield those specific characteristics.

The new research suggests the planet has no water at all, and appears to be composed primarily of carbon (as graphite and diamond), iron, silicon carbide, and, possibly, some silicates.

“By contrast, Earth’s interior is rich in oxygen, but extremely poor in carbon -- less than a part in thousand by mass,” says co-author and Yale geophysicist Kanani Lee.

“Stars are simple -- given a star’s mass and age, you know its basic structure and history,” said David Spergel, professor of astronomy and chair of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University, who is not a co-author of the study. “Planets are much more complex. This ‘diamond-rich super-Earth’ is likely just one example of the rich sets of discoveries that await us as we begin to explore planets around nearby stars.”

In 2011, Madhusudhan led the first discovery of a carbon-rich atmosphere in a distant gas giant planet, opening the possibility of long-theorized carbon-rich rocky planets (or “diamond planets”).

The new research represents the first time that astronomers have identified a likely diamond planet around a Sun-like star and specified its chemical make-up.

Friday, September 28, 2012


I know you would want to skip this because you don't understand English, or hate long topics, just want to get the stuff then leave the page but You must read this

This is going to be very helpful. . . . Read this

One lacking attribute in our today's world of pianist,
that is the inability to show others that which they know, pianists of today struggle with themselves to learn new tricks, all by themselves they practice and rehearse new drills without any form of aid, we find out today that many of us are self taught (including myself), many of us had no one to assist us while we were upcoming and even the good pianists that were around us never sought for a way to teach us what they knew, even our local churches might jUST have contributed a little amount, to them its just play for *us and go home* God bless you, or *You are only allowed to use the instruments on Sundays and Rehearsals* and they cared less about how you improve.

Infact not really sure they figured out that you've improved or there is a change in the way you play, this has affected us a lot,  most of us call ourselves ministry musicians when we lack the indispensable gift of sharing and giving, we have situations whereby whenever a newbie came around a professional pianists while he was playing a cool song you will be surprised to see that pianist play simple chords and sometimes even hide their scales with one finger for the fear that THIs othER guy might copy my trick and become better than I am.  Maybe they seek for justification in what they do: 
*** Nobody taught me so why should I teach anybody???
*** I paid a lot of money just to learn this, so why should I show you for free?
*** You might learn it and become better that I am so why should I show you
**** And so many other bla bla
But now at this point we have someone (POKEY) who have broken chordal barriers and has decided to show us that *little something* that might make our piano playing better, that something that would make us sound professional, that simple progression whatever it is a walk-down or walk-up, walk-below or beside that we can use in well know songs and make them sound better
He has decided to teach, give and to share a part of this God-given gift to us for free on this social media. .   
You might say that this FACEBOOK has for once benefited you in a very wholesome manner. .  Maybe we can turn it to our own pianoBOOK, he isn't the only one going to be breaking down piano knowledge you can as well share that small secret you discovered. .  I can as well, we all can as well do so, even in our local churches and homes . . . Don't miss October 9, 2012 it might just change you, your piano, and every thing associated with it

Also start sharing today.......
Andrew Miracle

To enjoy this free offer you have to like the facebook page. .  and comment the lesson order you will love to get


comment in the following manner

PHONE(with Int'l Code):

comment when you get yours and dont forget to like this page...... 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Corine Duke( Wife of Jazz Legend- George Duke) died of cancer on the 19th of July[which is last two weeks' Thursday]

George Duke is one pianist I love his harmony and I know that if it takes chords, runs and licks to save a dying soul, G.D

would have saved his wife. This is a great loss to him. He actually posted this online;

“First of all I would like to thank all of you for your sentiments during this time of great loss for my family! Having said that I hope you will understand when I say that Corine was not one who enjoyed the spotlight or pomp and circumstance. Therefore we will have a private immediate family only funeral service at Forest Lawn in North Hollywood on Tuesday July 24th 2:30pm at the Old North Church. You are certainly welcome to send flowers or any correspondence but I respectfully request that you not plan to attend in order to allow for my family to grieve in private. Personally I am OK though I can't stop weeping. I will come up for air eventually but please allow me time. The response to Corine's passing has been overwhelming and it is obvious that she was dearly loved by so many and for that I am proud and thankful. I love you all and will be my same old jolly self in the not too distant future - though I will NEVER forget this life altering moment and will never be the same again....George Duke”

Let's pray for God to grant him fortitude to bear the loss.

If you love George Duke, show it by posting your prayers like a comment.


Killer diseases caused by Air conditioners you should know - Expert

No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before. We wonder where this deadly killer disease comes from but here is an example that explains a lot of the cancer causing incidents.
A lot of people enter their cars first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, 7 days a week but bother not to know the dangers they expose themselves to each time the Air condition of their car is turned on immediately they enter.
Please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car and open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the AC after a couple of minutes.
Here's why:
According to a research, the dashboard emits Benzene, a cancer-causing toxin (carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car). In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anaemia and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukaemia, increasing the risk of cancer. Can also cause miscarriage.
Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene but If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 70 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.
People, whosoever gets into the car, keeping windows closed is inevitably inhaling, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.
Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver. What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic.
So friends, please open the windows and doors of your car and give time for the deadly interior air to clear out before you enter and start d car. What do u tink?



The tritone from our last article is an interval of a Diminished 5th or an Augmented 4th. What makes this interval unique is that it is embedded in Chords. The principle goal of this article is to X-ray such Chords.

The very first is the Dominant chord.

A basic dominant chord is the [common] Dominant 7th. Which can be formed from a major chord by lowering its root by a tone or wholestep.

E.g the "C" Dominant 7th is formed from the "C" major chord thus;

C + E + G then we'll lower the root Note which is "C" by a whole step or tone to have

C / Bb E G a full fledged Dom7th chord.
The first two notes on the right hand [which happens to be Bb + E] is a tritone [apart]

Meaning that when you play "C" on the left hand and Bb + E on the right, a Dominant7th is implied.

Which means that "Bb + E" is the tritone that correspond with "C" to form a CDom7th.

Having discovered the tritone in a Dom7th chord. Let's use them on the key of "C" to play the 6[la]-2[re]-5[sol]-1[do] progression.

C E G when voiced as Dom7 becomes Bb E G
A C# E when voiced as Dom7 becomes G C# E
D F# A when voiced as Dom7 becomes C F# A
G B D when voiced as Dom7 becomes F B D

Now, voicing only their corresponding tritone, we have a sleek progression:

C / Bb E [doh]
A / G C# [lah]
D / C F# [Reh]
G / F B [Sol]

We'll invert some of the tritones for voice leading purposes.

C / Bb E [doh]
A / G C# [lah]
D / F# C [Reh] (an inverted tritone)
G / F B [Sol]


C / Bb E [doh]
A / C# G [lah] (an inverted tritone)
D / C F# [Reh]
G / B F [Sol] (an inverted tritone)

Well, i'm sure you've noticed that the tritones are descending chromatically; that's its beauty.

Let's take another example "Oh Happy Day" on the key of "C". Which happens to be a 1-4 progression(between do and fa)

C E G becomes Bb E G (hope you remember?)
F A C becomes Eb A C (derived by lowering the root
note "F" by a tone)

Giving us two Dom7 tritones
* Bb E
* Eb A

Which are derived from the chords (Bb E G & Eb A C)

We'll invert one tritone for "voice leading" purposes. So we'll now have

*Bb E
*A Eb (inverted Tritone)

So let's put them on the song "Oh Happy Day" on the key of "C"

Oh happy Bb E
Day A Eb
*make sure the first tritone descends chromatically into the second one.

Now tell me, how does this sound?

Let's now discover the corresponding tritones for all the keys

C / Bb E G
D / C F# A
E / D G# B
F / Eb A C
G / F B D
A / G C# E

The first two notes of the right hand chords above are the corresponding tritones. Here they are;

C / Bb E
D / C F#
E / D G#
F / Eb A
G / F B
A / G C#

Well, I left the keys of Gb, Ab, Bb, Db, Eb & B out on purpose.

Gb / E Bb Db
Ab / F# C Eb
Bb / G# D F
B / A Eb F#
Db / B F Ab
Eb / C# G Bb

#forgive my enharmonic spelling(for music theorists). I did them to overcome spelling problems. Most pianists don't know where Fb or E# is on the keyboard.

Taking a closer look at the lists will reveal that C and Gb share the same corresponding tritone.

*C / Bb E (an inversion of Gb corresponding tritone)
*Gb / E Bb (an inversion of C corresponding tritone)

D and Ab also share the same corresponding tritone

*D / C F# (an inversion of Gb corresponding tritone)
*Ab/ F# C (an inversion of C corresponding tritone)

Why is this so?

Well, the answer is simple...

C and Gb(which is also F#) are a tritone apart themselves. That's why they share the same corresponding tritone. The same thing for D and Ab.

So reconciling the two charts, we have;

Gb or C / Bb E
Ab or D / C F#
Bb or E / D G#
B or F / Eb A
Db or G / F B
Eb or A / G C#

What i'm saying is this:
"Eb or A / G C#"
Means that Eb and A share the same corresponding tritone which is G C# or its inversion C# G

In conclusion, there are Six tritones only in music.(with due respect for enharmonic spellings( C Gb is same with C F#) and inversion (C Gb is same with Gb C)

Now that we've discovered the tritone as the essential ingredient of the Dominant7th chord, expect the next article-


Before I draw the curtain, I want to say that there are other chords that possess the tritone as an embedded interval.

* minor7b5
* Diminished7th
However, these two classes of chords are still analogous to dominant7ths. Here's what I mean:

Cmin7b5 / Ab = Ab Dom9
Cdim7 / Ab = Ab Dom7b9

Which means that they are upperstructure chords for the "supreme" dominant chord class.

This is not to say that these chords cannot be independent- i'm just staying withing the premises of Dominant Chords and Tritones.

Long Article right?

Monday, July 9, 2012


This post has been updated from the former one because of complaints received from users about the inefficiency and low speed of the servers and settings

Download the new HHT from here . . . . it still uses the same user name and pass word 

This file works for windows vista and 7 better, but does not mean it wont work on XP

Are you tired of the overcharging cost of bundle plans from your service providers well this ended today .because here is a very innovative and indispensable tool used to tunnel you browsing optimized for security and speed. . .download the HHT 5.0 from here and then use the following configurations for it. . .

Web host
Proxy url
Proxy host
Proxy port

This settings are applied to Etisalat Nigeria. . .configuring it for foreign networks will need a little expertise you can call me +2348162049799 for more help . i am telling you, you aint going to be paying so much to browse freely and securely any longer because with this software you are going to rock full speed

i will send you a username and password which you can try and if ever you will need an account just call me, with the mobile number +2348166969592 or email at

For the free username and password call the number +2348162049799 with you name, email, network you will want to use it with and want to be configured and i will send you details CIAO

For a list of servers try this, with its blazing speed 

Etisalat Settings-2 :   (May Not  be Working  )

web host -
web port -8080

proxy url: or udp:// or

proxy host:
PORT  :  80#


 Web Host :    Web Port:  80#443
 User Name :  You HHT user ID   Password: Your HHT password
 Proxy URL :  ( Check server list)    
 Proxy Host :  Port :  8080#8080
 Username :  web  Password :  web
 Must Select - WAP-1
        Uncheck SSL    

Proxifier Must.

Please post a comment if this was helpful to you 

I willl post a new link for the VPN tunnel, use this for now

windows xp doesnt support IPV4 so it cant run the vpn tunnel only 7 and vista

1> Go To HTTPS Tunnel TAB  and run it with as usual etisalat TG  settings.  
      Start  It.

2> Now Go   To VPN Tunnel TAB


Server :
Rport :  500
LPort :  0
Enter HHT user id password.

UN Check Local DNS
MTU -  1400

Proto:  TCP

CHECK USE PROXY :   Enter    YourModemIP : 6054     or   YourModemIP : 6055  or  YourModemIP : 6056  or  YourModemIP : 6052
                                   ( Whichever is better for you  - But 6055 is Best  )

but first change you mtu to 1400

copy and paste on windows command prompt 
type run on you start menu and type in cmd

once it opens paste the command below 
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface 1 mtu=1400 store=persistent 

and then exit using the vpn settings above you can use your HHT

always comment if this posts help, we love comments

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


A fateful Sunday morning, a man went to the church service, not knowing that he was possessed by an evil spirit, that day after the sermon, the pastor raised a prayer point that made every where arouse with prayer which made the spirit in the man to begin to react. .. when this was noticed the pastor called the Ushers to bring the man to the altar.
While he was casting out the evil spirit from the man, it became rigorous to the extent that a dialogue ensued between the pastor and the evil spirit.  so the pastor asked

Pastor: why are you here?
Evil spirit: I am here to help the man win a lottery of $500, 000 U$ Dollars, ,
Pastor: I command you evil spirit leave this mans body and come into mine no. . . LOL

Laugh out Loud. . .ahaha aha aha ah

Friday, June 22, 2012


Are you tired of the overcharging cost of bundle plans from your service providers well this ended today .because here is a very innovative and indispensable tool used to tunnel you browsing optimized for security and speed. . .download the HHT 5.0 from here and then use the following configurations for it. . .

Web host
Proxy url
Proxy host
Proxy port

This settings are applied to Etisalat Nigeria. . .configuring it for foreign networks will need a little expertise you can call me +2348162049799 for more help . i am telling you, you aint going to be paying so much to browse freely and securely any longer because with this software you are going to rock full speed

i will send you a username and password which you can try and if ever you will need an account just call me, with the mobile number +2348166969592 or email at

For the free username and password call the number +2348162049799 with you name, email, network you will want to use it with and want to be configured and i will send you details CIAO

For a list of servers try this, with its blazing speed 

Etisalat Settings-2 :   (May Not  be Working  )

web host -             or 
web port -

proxy url -      /or

Proxy Host -
Proxy port -


Proxifier Must.

Due to the problems in our net works a few tweaks have not been working so there will be an update on the browse experience in this HHT tunnel




Facts are emerging on the possible cause of the Dana Air MC Donnell Douglas MD 83 which crashed around Iju-Ishaga area of Lagos, yesterday.  The aircraft has a history of worrying defaults even before original owners, US-based Alaska Airlines sold it to Dana Airlines on February 17, 2009.
According to the information from Aviation Safety Network, an exclusive service of the Air Safety Foundation, the ill-fated aircraft was acquired by Alaska Airline in November 13, 1990 with registration number N944AS.
However, on November 4, 2002 the aircraft developed fault and had emergency diversion due to smoke and electrical smell in the cabin area, which engineers said was because light ballast had over heated.
Four years after, the aircraft’s health was also called to question when on August 20, 2006, it was again evacuated after landing at the Long Beach, CA due to a chaffed wire bundle that discharged and produced smoke in the cabin area again.
Apparently scared that the worst could happen, Alaska Airlines was said to have on August 21 parked the aircraft at Victorville until September 11 2008 when it carried out maintenance on it.
Eventually on February 2009 Alaska Airlines shifted the burden to Nigeria when it sold the ill-fated plane as 5N-RAM. The MD-83 was manufactured in 1983, announced go-ahead on January 31, 1983 and had first flight on December 17, 1984
It was a longer range development of the basic MD-81/82 with higher weights, more powerful engines, increased fuel capacity and longer range. It was equipped with slightly more powerful 21,000 1bf (93 kN) Pratt and Whitney JT8D-219s as standard.
The aircraft also had higher operating weights with MTOW increased to 160,000 1b and MLW to 139,500 1b. Typical range for the MD-83 with 155 passengers in around 2,504 nautical miles (4,637km).

Faults and charges holding the owners of Dana Airplane. . . . 

**The plane was not properly insured.
**The life of air planes in Nigeria should not exceed 15 years 
**There is no proof of the manufacture date of the Dana airplane. . .which crashed 
**There has no been any relevant maintenance taken on the planes. .
**The last time the airplane went on maintenance was on September 2011. .

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Registration Serial Number

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Registration Serial Number

  free idm, serial key 
Internet Download Manager(also known as Idman) is an excellent internet download accelerator that will care of all your downloads from the moment you install it on your PC.
If you want to increase download speed, this tool can help you to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads.
High speed internet connections are common these days, Even if you have the fastest router in the neighborhood, take a look at Internet Download Manager , because it really has a lot to offer.

Download IDM 6.05

Internet Download manager is not available for free of cost. But here are the serial key of IDM by that u can register is for free.

First name : MerCuRy
Last Name :1560985
Email :

How to  Register IDM:

1. First of all Disconnect internet
2. Now go to C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/Etc and open hosts file with notepad... and save after adding following lines in last

3. Now install the appliaction or if u have previously installed then go to step 4
4. Now enter registration keys

Note: Never Update ur IDM after registering using this key.

5. Now go to Windows Firewall > inbound rule > new > Choose Custom in Rule Type > Enter Next > Now in Program give the path of ur IDM's exe file in this program path > Enter next till you are on Action > now choose Block the connection > next > next > now give name and save it

6. Finish, Now you will not get any fake serial message ever.

now for windows users you will need to use your notepad or wordpad to open the 'hosts' file


Saturday, May 19, 2012


Facebook Billionaire's Girlfriend Priscilla Chan

(Reuters)Mark Zuckerberg isn't the only one who's had a big week. On Monday, Priscilla Chan, the longtime partner of the 28-year-old Facebook founder, earned her medical degree from a top institution in the country, just days after inspiring a revolution in organ donor access. Also: her boyfriend just turned his first job into $21 billion dollars as of this morning, so that's cool too.

Facebook IPO frenzy: should you buy in?
So far it's been a good month for Priscilla, the Harvard alum, who met Zuckerberg at a campus frat party almost a decade ago. On May 14, while the tech world marked Zuckerberg's 28th birthday, Chan was picking up her degree from University of California, San Francisco's School of Medicine, and even icing her degree with membership into the exclusive National Medical Honor Society.

Facebook IPO: Follow it live
While her boyfriend's expertise seems to be in working the market into a frenzy, Chan's specialty is in pediatrics. Already, her medical experience is saving lives on a large scale. Earlier this month, Facebook launched a new feature allowing users to add their organ donation status to their profiles. Zuckerberg credits the idea to Chan. "She's going to be a pediatrician, so our dinner conversations are often about Facebook and the kids that she's meeting," Zuckerberg told ABC News. After a few particularly heart-rending accounts of children in need of organ transplants at her hospital, Facebook's CEO developed the donor tool and effectively enlisted more than 1,000 new donors in a matter of days, according to Donor Life.

Photos: Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan on vacation together
It was a shift for Zuckerberg's brand, more often linked to lawsuits and financial speculation than saving lives. But 'Cilla,' as her boyfriend calls her, is in many ways Facebook's better half. The woman not so much behind the man, but running parallel, with equally bold strides. It's a new improved model for the so-called billionaire's wife...make that partner.

Despite rumors of an engagement two years ago, Chan and Zuckerberg aren't married. That means his big-time earnings today won't go directly into her pocket. Not that she hasn't experienced some perks. Living in low-key domesticity with their dog, Beast, the 20-somethings recently upgraded their digs to a $7 million Palo Alto home with a massive kitchen and plenty of privacy. They've also traveled to Vietnam and Shanghai for romantic vacations (that sometimes turn into work for Mark). If anything, her boyfriend's IPO explosion could have been more of a challenge than a boon. Chan reportedly has strict rules about weekly work-free dates where the couple can forget about Facebook. Zuckerberg's recent investor campaign may have put a dent in that routine.

But overall, Zuckerberg's cash crop could only be Prsicilla's gains should the couple decide to wed.
If you ask Donald Trump, and unfortunately someone at CNBC's Squawk Box did, Chan would walk away with a chunk of change in the event of a pre-nup free divorce (that's jumping the gun a little, no?)

If they divorced, says Trump, "she's hits the jackpot like nobody...I could see the lawyers and the lawsuit right now. Without her brilliant decision-making, he would have never come through. She advised him, she made dinner for him, she's entitled to at least $10 billion."

This is all assuming that Chan even wants to wed, no less divorce, Zuckerberg. Not everyone thinks, or dates, like Trump. For now, it seems Chan's big concern is saving the lives of kids, and that's probably one reason why her unfathomably rich boyfriend loves her. As the world stares slack-jawed at Zuckerberg's accomplishments, he's doing the same with his girlfriend.

After Priscilla earned her degree Monday, Mark posted the following message for her on Facebook.

I'm so proud of you, Dr. Chan : )
Yes, that's a billion-dollar emoticon smile.


SQL injection
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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SQL injection is a technique often used to attack databases through a website. This is done by including portions of SQL statements in a web form entry field in an attempt to get the website to pass a newly formed rogue SQL command to the database (e.g. dump the database contents to the attacker). SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability in a website's software. The vulnerability happens when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and unexpectedly executed. SQL commands are thus injected from the web form into the database of an application (like queries) to change the database content or dump the database information like credit card or passwords to the attacker. SQL injection is mostly known as an attack vector for websites but can be used to attack any type of SQL database.
In operational environments, it has been noted that applications experience, on average, 71 attempts an hour.[1] When under direct attack, some applications occasionally came under aggressive attacks and at their peak, were attacked 800–1300 times per hour.[1]
Forms and Validity
SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) is considered one of the top 10 web application vulnerabilities of 2007 and 2010 by the Open Web Application Security Project.[2] The attacking vector contains five main sub-classes depending on the technical aspects of the attack's deployment:
  • Classic SQLIA
  • Inference SQL Injection
  • Interacting with SQL Injection
  • DBMS specific SQLIA
  • Compounded SQLIA
Some security researchers propose that Classic SQLIA is outdated[3] though many web applications are not hardened against them. Inference SQLIA is still a threat, because of its dynamic and flexible deployment as an attacking scenario. The DBMS specific SQLIA should be considered as supportive regardless of the utilization of Classic or Inference SQLIA. Compounded SQLIA is a new term derived from research on SQL Injection Attacking Vector in combination with other different web application attacks as:
A complete overview of the SQL Injection classification is presented in the next figure. The Storm Worm is one representation of Compounded SQLIA.[8]
A Classification of SQL Injection Attacking 
Vector till 2010
A Classification of SQL Injection Attacking Vector till 2010
This classification represents the state of SQLIA, respecting its evolution until 2010—further refinement is underway.[9]
Technical Implementations
 Incorrectly filtered escape characters
This form of SQL injection occurs when user input is not filtered for escape characters and is then passed into an SQL statement. This results in the potential manipulation of the statements performed on the database by the end-user of the application.
The following line of code illustrates this vulnerability
statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '" + userName + "';"
This SQL code is designed to pull up the records of the specified username from its table of users. However, if the "userName" variable is crafted in a specific way by a malicious user, the SQL statement may do more than the code author intended. For example, setting the "userName" variable as
' or '1'='1
or using comments to even block the rest of the query (there are three types of SQL comments):[10]
' or '1'='1' -- '
' or '1'='1' ({ '
' or '1'='1' /* '
renders one of the following SQL statements by the parent language:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '' OR '1'='1';
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '' OR '1'='1' -- ';
If this code were to be used in an authentication procedure then this example could be used to force the selection of a valid username because the evaluation of '1'='1' is always true.
The following value of "userName" in the statement below would cause the deletion of the "users" table as well as the selection of all data from the "userinfo" table (in essence revealing the information of every user), using an API that allows multiple statements:
a';DROP TABLE users; SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE 't' = 't
This input renders the final SQL statement as follows and specified:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'a';DROP TABLE users; SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE 't' = 't';
While most SQL server implementations allow multiple statements to be executed with one call in this way, some SQL APIs such as PHP's mysql_query(); function do not allow this for security reasons. This prevents attackers from injecting entirely separate queries, but doesn't stop them from modifying queries.
Incorrect type handling
This form of SQL injection occurs when a user-supplied field is not strongly typed or is not checked for type constraints. This could take place when a numeric field is to be used in a SQL statement, but the programmer makes no checks to validate that the user supplied input is numeric. For example:
statement := "SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE id = " + a_variable + ";"
It is clear from this statement that the author intended a_variable to be a number correlating to the "id" field. However, if it is in fact a string then the end-user may manipulate the statement as they choose, thereby bypassing the need for escape characters. For example, setting a_variable to
1;DROP TABLE users
will drop (delete) the "users" table from the database, since the SQL would be rendered as follows:
SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE id=1;DROP TABLE users;
Blind SQL injection
Blind SQL Injection is used when a web application is vulnerable to an SQL injection but the results of the injection are not visible to the attacker. The page with the vulnerability may not be one that displays data but will display differently depending on the results of a logical statement injected into the legitimate SQL statement called for that page. This type of attack can become time-intensive because a new statement must be crafted for each bit recovered. There are several tools that can automate these attacks once the location of the vulnerability and the target information has been established.[11]
Conditional responses
One type of blind SQL injection forces the database to evaluate a logical statement on an ordinary application screen.
SELECT booktitle FROM booklist WHERE bookId = 'OOk14cd' AND '1'='1';
will result in a normal page while
SELECT booktitle FROM booklist WHERE bookId = 'OOk14cd' AND '1'='2';
will likely give a different result if the page is vulnerable to a SQL injection. An injection like this may suggest to the attacker that a blind SQL injection is possible, leaving the attacker to devise statements that evaluate to true or false depending on the contents of another column or table outside of the SELECT statement's column list.[12]
SELECT 1/0 FROM users WHERE username='ooo';
Another type of blind SQL injection uses a conditional timing delay on which the attacker can learn whether the SQL statement resulted in a true or in a false condition [13]
Parameterized statements
With most development platforms, parameterized statements can be used that work with parameters (sometimes called placeholders or bind variables) instead of embedding user input in the statement. A placeholder can only store the value of the given type and not the arbitrary SQL fragment. Hence the SQL injection would simply be treated as a strange (an probably invalid) parameter value.
In many cases, the SQL statement is fixed, and each parameter is a scalar, not a table. The user input is then assigned (bound) to a parameter. [14]
Enforcement at the coding level
Using object-relational mapping libraries avoids the need to write SQL code. The ORM library in effect will generate parameterized SQL statements from object-oriented code.
A straightforward, though error-prone, way to prevent injections is to escape characters that have a special meaning in SQL. The manual for an SQL DBMS explains which characters have a special meaning, which allows creating a comprehensive blacklist of characters that need translation. For instance, every occurrence of a single quote (') in a parameter must be replaced by two single quotes ('') to form a valid SQL string literal. For example, in PHP it is usual to escape parameters using the function mysql_real_escape_string(); before sending the SQL query:
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE UserName='%s' AND Password='%s'",
This function, i.e. mysql_real_escape_string(), calls MySQL's library function mysql_real_escape_string, which prepends backslashes to the following characters: \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a. This function must always (with few exceptions) be used to make data safe before sending a query to MySQL.[15]
There are other functions for many database types in PHP such as pg_escape_string() for PostgreSQL. There is, however, one function that works for escaping characters, and is used especially for querying on databases that do not have escaping functions in PHP. This function is: addslashes(string $str ). It returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted in database queries, etc. These characters are single quote ('), double quote ("), backslash (\) and NUL (the NULL byte).[16]
Routinely passing escaped strings to SQL is error prone because it is easy to forget to escape a given string. Creating a transparent layer to secure the input can reduce this error-proneness, if not entirely eliminate it.[17]
Pattern check
Integer, float or boolean parameters can be checked if they value is valid representation for the given type. Strings that must follow some strict pattern (date, UUID, alphanumeric only, etc.) can be checked if they match this pattern.
Database Permissions
Limiting the permissions on the database logon used by the web application to only what is needed may help reduce the effectiveness of any SQL injection attacks that exploit any bugs in the web application.
For example on SQL server, a database logon could be restricted from selecting on some of the system tables which would limit exploits that try into insert JavaScript into all the text columns in the database.
deny SELECT ON sys.sysobjects TO webdatabaselogon;
deny SELECT ON sys.objects TO webdatabaselogon;
deny SELECT ON sys.TABLES TO webdatabaselogon;
deny SELECT ON sys.views TO webdatabaselogon;


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