Monday, April 16, 2012



West African Examinations Council (WAEC) May/June timetable 2012.

**Day 1
Monday April 2nd
English language3 set 1 (oral). 9-9:45am
English language3 set2 (oral). 10:15-11am
**Day 2
Wednesday 4th of April
Chemistry(practical)A 9-11
Chemistry(practical)A 11:30-1:30
**Day 3
Tuesday 10th April
Government 2(essay) 9-11:30
Government 1(obj) 11:30-12-30
**Day 4
Wednesday 11th April
Financial accounting(theory and practice)
Financial accounting1 (obj) 11:30-12:30
Biology (obj & theory) 2:30-5 0
**Day 5
Thursday 12th April
Biology1 (practical) 9-11
Biology1 (practical) 11:30-1:30
**Day 6
Friday 13th April
Chemistry (practical)B 9-11
Chemistry(practical)B 11:30-1-30
**Day 7
Wednesday 18th April
Physics 1(practical)A 9-11:45
Physics 1(practical)A 12:15-3 0
**Day 8
Thursday 12th April
Chemistry 2 (obj & theory). 12-3pm
**Day 9
Friday 20th April
Physics 1 (practical)B 9-11:45
Physics 1 (practical)B 12:15-3pm
**Day 10
Monday 25th April
Chemistry1(practical)C 9-11am
Chemistry1 (practical)C 11:30-1:30
**Day 11
Tuesday 24th April
Agric 1 (practical)A 9-10:30
Agric1(practical)A 11-12:30
**Day 12
Wednesday 25th April
Economics2(essay) 9 am-12noon
Economics(obj). 12-12:30pm
**Day 13
Thursday 26th April
General Maths (essay) 9-11:30am
General Maths (obj) 2-3:30
**Day 14
Friday 27th April
Physics practical C 9-11:45am
Physics practical C 12:15-3pm
**Day 15
Monday 30th April
English1(essay) 9-11:30
English 1(essay) alternative B. 9-11:30
English 2(obj) 2-3pm
English 2(obj) alternative B. 2-3:15
English test of oral 3:30-4:15
**Day 16
Thursday 3rd may
Lit-in-English(drama & poetry) 9-11:30
Lit-in-English 3 & 1(prose & obj) 2-4:15
**Day 17
Friday 4th may
Geography obj & essay 9-11:40
Geography essay. 3-5pm
**Day 18
Monday 7th may
Commerce 2 (essay)9-11:30
Commerce 1 (obj) 11:30-12-30
Physics 2 (obj & essay) 1-3:45
**Day 19
Tuesday 8th may
C.R.K2 (essay) 9-11:30
C.R.S2 (essay) 9-11:30
C.R.S1 (obj). 11:30-12:30
C.R.K1 (obj). 11:30-12:30
**Day 20
Wednesday 9th may
Agric science (obj & Essay). 9-12
**Day 21
Friday 11th may
Yoruba 2 (essay). 9-11
Yoruba 1 (obj). 3-4pm
**Day 22
Tuesday 15th may
History 2 (essay) 9-11:30
History 1 (obj) 11:30-12:30
**Day 23
Wednesday 16th may
Further maths (essay) 9-11:30
Further maths (obj) 3-4:30
**Day 24
Tuesday 17th may
Principle of accounting(theory) 9-11:10
Principle of accounting (obj) 2-2:50
Wish all success in the exam. You can also Get WAEC syllabus online for reading and studying purpose.


A students of statistics sophomore year, loves computers and the internet, has fun writing and blogging, and uses his spare time learning to communicate with his computer using codes. . have fun



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